Hands and Décolleté

Youthful and fresh look with rejuvenated appearance

Filler Rejuvenation

Aging is characterized by volume loss of the tissues under the skin resulting in skin laxity and sagging appearance perceived as old and tired looking skin. Dr Dora Evangelidou uses absorbable hyaluronic acid as a filler to recreate the volume lost reconstructing the tissue and skin suspensions. This results in a more youthful and fresh look with rejuvenated appearance and lifting effect of the overlying skin.

stem cell treatment

Stem Cell Treatment

The most advanced and sophisticated anti-aging treatment available nowadays. It can be used as a monotherapy to improve hand and décolleté skin and to enhance aging reversal. It can also combined with traditional treatments such as nano-fat transfer to guarantee exquisite results and most importantly to delay unwanted aging changes such as volume loss, and wrinkle formations.

prp treatment

PRP Treatment

PRP is a procedure that uses your own blood to repair your cells in very short sessions at the clinic. This advanced and ground-breaking anti-aging treatment helps repair damaged or injured tissues in the body by delivering growth factors to the area that is injected.

fat craft

Fat Transfer / Nanograft

Aging is characterized by volume loss of the tissues under the skin resulting in skin laxity and sagging appearance perceived as old and tired-looking skin. The fat transfer is the ideal treatment that results in a more youthful and fresh looking skin with rejuvenating and lifting effect immediately after the treatment. Dr Dora Evangelidou recommends fat transfer for those looking a more natural and longer lasting rejuvenation of their hands and décolleté area.

United Aram Emirates Plastic Surgeon

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