
Liposuction / 3D – 4D Body Sculpturing
Dr Dora is performing liposuction with many types of machines according to the needs of each candidate. She strongly believes in customization and unique planning of each person according to the skin type, current body weight expectation and of course post-surgical lifestyle preference and target.

Buttock Augmentation
This procedure is to improve the shape of the buttock and waist area by removing excess fat from elsewhere on the body (such as the abdomen, flanks or back) and then transfer the purified form of it into the buttocks to develop a rounder and fuller bottom. Dr Dora Evangelidou always combines liposcultping techniques in addition to fat transfer for ideal contouring and maximal enhancement.

Abdominoplasty (Tummy Tuck)
The lipoabdominoplasty is a combination of a Tummy Tuck and VASER liposuction to the abdominal region and flank area. This allows the removal of excess fat in order to create maximum waist and abdomen contouring, as well as remove excess skin. During this procedure, muscle repair is performed bringing the abdominal muscles in their original position ensuring a more ideal and tight looking shape of the abdomen.

Fat Grafting / Fat Transfer
The fat transfer is the ideal treatment that results in a more youthful and fresh looking skin with rejuvenating and lifting effect of the area that is injected in immediately after the treatment.
Dr Dora Evangelidou recommends fat transfer for those looking a more natural and longer lasting rejuvenation and definition of their cheek bones, lips, jaw line, hands and décolleté area. Fat transfer can also be use for augmentation of the breasts or the buttock areas as well.

Female Genital Area Rejuvenation
Labiaplasty to improve shape and size of the Labia and fat transfer and stem cell treatment to archive rejuvenation and delay unwanted aging process of the area. It can be combined with PRP or Stem Cells therapy for ideal and long lasting results and maximal rejuvenation of the hyperpigmented skin areas.

Stem Cells Treatment
The most advanced and sophisticated anti-aging treatment available nowadays. It can be used as a monotherapy to target skin aging or even combined with traditional treatments such as fat transfer to guarantee exquisite results. Most importantly, these treatments delay unwanted aging changes such as volume loss, and wrinkle formation and can ensure collagen regeneration and improvement of the quality of the skin wherever they are injected.

Arm Lift
Excess skin and fat are removed from between the armpit (and sometimes even the uppermost side of the chest) and elbow. Dr Dora uses ultrasound assisted liposuction technique (VASER) in order to achieve maximum skin tightening and area contouring effect.

Thigh Lift
Excess skin and fat are removed from between the armpit (and sometimes even the uppermost side of the chest) and elbow. Dr Dora uses ultrasound assisted liposuction technique (VASER) in order to achieve maximum skin tightening and area contouring effect.

Body Lift
A holistic approach to the torso for patients with excess skin, fat, and other tissues that linger after significant weight loss. Depending on the area of the excess tissues, candidates may choose either an upper or lower body lift in order to improve the shape and the tone of their body.